EffL Lab

Make AI accessible to everyone with Efficient ML!

Efficient Learning Lab, or simply EffL, is a research group led by Jaeho Lee.
We develop theories, algorithms, and systems to make ML more efficient.

Join us? Apply through POSTECH EE or GSAI. For details, see here.

News #

  • (Jul 2024) An undergrad intern (Inkwan) will be a Korean Presidential Science Fellow 💰
  • (Jul 2024) One paper accepted at ECCV 2024 🇮🇹
  • (Jun 2024) Seungwoo and Hagyeong defended their M.S. theses 🛡️
  • (May 2024) Two papers accepeted at ICML 2024 🇦🇹
  • (Mar 2024) One paper accepted at NAACL 2024 🇲🇽
  • (Mar 2024) One paper accepted at IEEE S&P 2024
  • (Feb 2024) Two papers accepted at CVPR 2024 🇺🇸 (1 oral, 1 highlight)
  • (Feb 2024) Junwon and Jiwoon earned their M.S. degrees 🎓